Friday, April 27, 2012


Hey Lancers,

Many have asked how to pay in full &/or how to pay your balance...

If you have already left your deposit, the blog has just been updated to include a Paypal button for your balance of $75...If you put a deposit down for 2 people just update your quantity to "2."

There is also a Paypal button to pay $85 in gives you the option to buy 2 tickets as well.

Those who have left a $10 deposit will be receiving a PayPal invoice via e-mail for the balance of $75 or $150 depending on if you included a +1.

I hope this is clear. If you feel more comfortable sending me a check just contact me via e-mail or just in box me on Facebook & I'll give you my address. Make the check out to Michelle Manno Campagna.

Getting the money in sooner than later helps me immensely in planning the rest of the reunion.

Thank you so much!!!

Peace & Love.....Michelle & Frank

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